Value-added AI Solutions Tailored to Your Company

We need to learn for ourselves to use AI in a smart way so we can generate added value for our customers. We already do this in the fields of research, image and text generation, with chatbots and when developing AI applications for customers.

Ivo Bättig, Unic Partner

AI Consulting – Tailor-made Solutions for Your Company

A solid AI solution needs to fit your needs. This involves tailor-made products, developed in dedicated AI design sprints. From the initial idea to implementation, our best experts will support you in developing the solution with a perfect fit.

What Can You Expect From an AI Design Sprint?

This consists of two main phases. For the first phase, we usually schedule one day together.

  • Understand: A shared understanding of AI capabilities

  • Define: Definition of project goals and success criteria

  • Sketch and evaluate: Generate and evaluate possible solutions

Phase two is more intense and therefore takes three days in total.

  • Prototype: Create functioning prototypes

  • Test: Validate and optimise prototypes

  • Backlog: Plan further implementation steps

These phases are structured in a way that supports you on your AI journey and provides you with an in-depth understanding of the application of AI in your business context.

The following chart illustrates the six steps that make up the two phases.

Together, We Create Your AI Solution!


Understand (1)

In this early phase, the focus is on creating a common understanding of the possible applications of AI in a business context. Experts from the Innolab present relevant insights, ideas and examples of the use of artificial intelligence.

Define (2)

We provide insights into AI and support you in identifying AI challenges and opportunities. Together, we define goals and metrics to measure the success of a possible AI solution.

Sketch and evaluate (3)

We generate and iterate initial ideas, evaluate them with you and select the best approaches. In the next step, the team decides how to move on to prototyping.

Prototype (4)

Based on the evaluated ideas and fundamentals, we move on to realisation in phase two. We first develop a prototype for the AI solution (low-fi/hi-fi).

Test (5)

The resulting prototypes undergo user testing for practicality. The results of these tests feed into the evaluation and iteration of prototypes for continual improvement.

Backlog (6)

Together, we determine the next steps and evaluate established processes and system requirements as appropriate.

AI Consulting – Enabling Your Organisation

To really be successful with AI, you need to bring your teams on board. At Unic, we are faced with the same challenges as you and have created a comprehensive programme to help us engage and train every single employee. We call it the ‘AI skills augmentation programme’, or ASAP. We are happy to share our experiences with you and hand you the keys to successful upskilling in your company. We will adapt this programme to your needs and support you throughout the entire process.

Marco GhinolfiJanuary 2024

And Just Like That: Zurich Airport Flight Information Available in GPT Store

And Just Like That: Zurich Airport Flight Information Available in GPT Store

Why AI Consulting via ASAP?

  • Learn more about the relevance and effects of AI on your work life,

  • Identify relevant ideas and use cases,

  • Upgrade your AI skills,

  • Inspire and motivate colleagues to engage with AI,

  • Discover practical examples of the use of AI and get inspired.

In the context of digital marketing, AI expectations have reached an all-time high. Using a process model, we show how to operationalise it.

Roy VoggenbergerDecember 2019

Artificial Intelligence: From Hype to Added Value for Customers

According to the latest Gartner Hype Cycle for digital marketing, expectations surrounding AI for marketing have reached their peak. The question at stake, however, is if AI really does offer added value that will stand the test of time once the hype has died down.

Artificial Intelligence: From Hype to Added Value for Customers

The key is for companies to reflect on where AI actually adds value, even when the hype has died down. We agree that AI enables a more in-depth, data-driven customer interaction that improves the customer experience thanks to personalised services and efficient communication, but how do you kick off your first AI project? The operationalisation of artificial intelligence can help add significant value for customers.

AI Hackathon – a Slightly Different Approach

The AI hackathon session is a tailor-made event aimed at gathering AI experience and developing AI-based minimum viable products (MVPs) in the course of one very intense day.

In general, an AI hackathon boosts innovation and practical tests of AI solutions. Rapid prototyping and test-driving new technologies with an increasing effect on our day-to-day business are an exciting experience for us and our customers, every single time. Below, we have summarised two of these events for you. If you are interested in a hackathon, just get in touch.

Lukas BrücklmeierOctober 2023

Spryker Hackathon – Chatbot Component for the Commerce System

The Spryker Excite 2023 in Berlin was coming up and of course a small team of Unic was there. Besides good conversations and great presentations, two developers and their team set out to develop a chatbot component including AI functions during a hackathon - with success.

Spryker Hackathon – Chatbot Component for the Commerce System

The hackathon and its result showcase another opportunity to develop components for your own business – tailored increasingly to the individual needs of customers.

Lukas Brücklmeier, Application Engineer at Unic

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

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Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks

Contact for your Digital Solution

Book an appointment

Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin