
Intelligent UI

How do digital services become intelligent? Read our stories in this dossier.

Creating Intelligent User Interfaces

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence. Many companies are experimenting with artificial intelligence services. But the topic is also controversially discussed: Some see artificial intelligence as the next big growth driver, others fear to awaken ghosts you can't get rid of.

We are convinced that artificial intelligence will change the way companies interact with customers. But it takes much more than the use of technology to make services intelligent.

Roy VoggenbergerDecember 2019

Artificial Intelligence: From Hype to Added Value for Customers

According to the latest Gartner Hype Cycle for digital marketing, expectations surrounding AI for marketing have reached their peak. The question at stake, however, is if AI really does offer added value that will stand the test of time once the hype has died down.

Artificial Intelligence: From Hype to Added Value for Customers
A robot with the Unic logo on the front next to an unidentifiable image with a green frame

Tabea HayerMay 2020

Artificial Intelligence: The Customer Sets the Tone

Hardly any other topic polarizes the digital world as much as artificial intelligence (AI). But what is the best way to introduce the customer to AI?

Artificial Intelligence: The Customer Sets the Tone

It takes the courage to go new ways, the willingness to dive into customer journeys and the data streams behind them, and a whole new way of working together in project teams. When all perspectives work together, solutions are created that support the user on his journey. This is the only way to get to the essence of the the term „intelligence“: it comes from the Latin word „intellegere“, which means „to understand“. You can't just have a machine collect data, analyze it and derive actions from it. It always takes the person who has a vision, who understands connections and sketches scenarios.

One Step Ahead of the User

CSS, one of the leading Swiss health insurance company, wants to surprise the users in the digital world with intelligent services. The project team is convinced that such solutions require a completely new approach to digital projects: It needs a cooperation of different disciplines, it needs an agile, dynamic approach and it needs a jointly developed vision as a fixed star to which the different roles jointly orient themselves.


Katja DreherJanuary 2020

Understanding the Users of Research Methods and Findings

To design a responsive, relevant and user-centered web portal for CSS Insurance, it was essential to understand the users’ goals. Who visits And what do visitors want to do on the website?

Understanding the Users of Research Methods and Findings
The picture shows the cooperation between CSS Krankenkasse and Unic. You can recognise 4 people, one of whom is a woman, standing in front of a notebook and discussing matters.

Nicole BuriNovember 2019

Space for Something New, Intelligent and Unique

CSS aims to offer users a unique experience in the digital world: intelligent services that support users on their journey. To arrive at intelligent solutions, the approach to digital projects must be entirely different.

Space for Something New, Intelligent and Unique
The picture shows several Unic employees discussing in a meeting room - in the background you can see a kind of Kanban board on a blackboard.

Nicole BuriNovember 2019

How Do You Create an Intelligent Conversational UI?

CSS has developed SIA together with Unic – a Conversational User Interface that is much more than a conventional chatbot.

Chatting to SIA – How Do You Create an Intelligent Conversational UI?

Different Perspectives For Intelligent Services

In which areas does artificial intelligence touch us in our digital everyday life? Can it help us, for example, in web analysis and online marketing? Can it sustainably enrich the Internet of Things? Or is artificial intelligence just a hype that is almost over? Our Unic experts are dedicated to these and other questions. What they all have in common is the conviction that it takes a lot of people to actually make artificial intelligence intelligent.

Josef DabernigNovember 2019

Efficient Image Management With AI

The formatting of images poses great challenges for content managers. AI can relieve this burden by automatically calculating the focal point. This ensures that the interesting image section always remains in view.

Efficient Image Management With AI

Bruno Pedro MettlerJanuary 2020

Machine Learning Becomes Marketing Standard

Artificial Intelligence has become a standard in marketing. It is changing the way companies interact with customers but also requires marketers to rethink their self-image and skill set.

Machine Learning Becomes Marketing Standard

Ueli PreisigNovember 2019

Artificial Intelligence of Things: How Intelligent Devices Change Our Lives

Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), systems and devices have become data-driven, intelligent, automated and connected to the world. Is this just a gimmick or will it have a lasting impact on our lives?

Artificial Intelligence of Things: How Intelligent Devices Change Our Lives

Artificial Intelligence on a Trial

Many software vendors have started taking up artificial intelligence. We have taken a closeer look at selected systems: How intelligent are they really? And what framework conditions are needed to use AI properly?

More articles from our experts about intelligent user interfaces

Graciela SchützDecember 2021

Enhancing the Intelligence of Your Conversational Interface or Chatbot

To me, the intelligence level of the chatbots out there is, in my eyes, not yet worthy of calling them ‘intelligent’. But let’s discuss this from scratch. What are conversational interfaces and why are they (or should they be) intelligent?

Enhancing the Intelligence of Your Conversational Interface or Chatbot
Graciela Schütz

Graciela Schütz

Stefanie BergerJanuary 2020

The Elves of the Future: With Artificial Intelligence instead of Hats

In order to meet the increased demands on software and web applications, we use Application Performance Monitoring tools. These tools offer significant insight into the quality of solutions and support us in monitoring the systems – now with the help of artificial intelligence.

The Elves of the Future: With Artificial Intelligence instead of Hats
Stefanie Berger

Stefanie Berger

Ghodrat AshourniaJanuary 2020

Sitecore Cortex: How Smart is it Really?

How smart are content management systems? And what do you need to do to reap the benefits from it? We looked behind the marketing facade and put Sitecore Cortex to the test.

Sitecore Cortex: How Smart is it Really?

Ghodrat Ashournia

Andrea MaleleNovember 2019

Why Artificial Intelligence is Not a Quantum Leap but Merely Makes Our Data-driven Work More Effective

Recording, interpreting and acting on data. Anything that artificial intelligence could one day do for us, we must first understand ourselves and be able to do on a small scale. We need cross-functional teams who are entirely data-driven in their work and who can rely on persistent and customer data that is as standardized as possible. We have a long way to go to achieve this.

Why Artificial Intelligence is Not a Quantum Leap but Merely Makes Our Data-driven Work More Effective
Andrea Malele

Andrea Malele

Lorenzo MuttiJanuary 2020

The Principle of Prevolution

It is only by having smart user interfaces that valuable interactions can take place that "understand" customers on their journeys and support them in the best possible way. CSS Insurance wants to be one step ahead of its customers. To do so, it needs to know where its customers are and offer them useful options as they move forward.

The Principle of Prevolution
Lorenzo Mutti

Lorenzo Mutti

The picture shows Cornelia Diethelm in front of a full bookshelf.

Philippe SurberJanuary 2020

Digital Ethics — the Conscience of Artificial Intelligence

When Dave the astronaut tries to reenter the spaceship in Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968), on-board computer HAL refuses to follow orders. “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Digital Ethics — the Conscience of Artificial Intelligence
Philippe Surber

Philippe Surber

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

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Are you keen too discuss your digital tasks with us? We would be happy to exchange ideas with you.

Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks

Contact for your Digital Solution

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Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin