ZRH Real Estate - the first Spatial App from Unic

Flughafen Zürich AG

Flughafen Zürich AG
Customer since
July 2024
Initial situation

How can we use Spatial to benefit our customers?

When Apple presented Vision Pro in June 2023, our app inventors and developers were exhilarated: They saw enormous potential, and not just in an abstract way, but very tangibly, for Unic customers.

Within a short time, they put together a structured workshop to develop business ideas with customers, evaluate opportunities and risks and plan the next steps.

As early as September 2023, Unic and airport staff had a reunion in the airport ‘Atelier’, where they had planned and developed the award-winning multisite platform back in the day.

Even though VR/AR/XR are nothing new, Apple has managed to raise the bar. For me as the airport’s Client Partner, it was an unmissable opportunity for another pioneering project with the airport in the context of customer experience.

Ivo Bättig, Client Partner, Unic 

The starting point was fairly obvious: The airport would harness the strengths of spatial computing to create an immersive experience of their spaces. The team developed three ideas in the full-day workshop. The first one has been implemented already and will go live in summer 2024.

ZRH Real Estate

With its new spatial app, the airport is forging new paths in innovative real estate marketing: The immersive experience enables potential new tenants and their employees to explore their new environment. They can check out points of interest at the airport, in the Circle and the park, depending on their personal interests and preferences.


Experience the Future Today With ZRH Real Estate

With the new spatial app, potential tenants provide their employees not with dry information, but with an immersive experience. To create it, visual and audio material was optimised manually and with the help of AI, so that cylindrical or spherical perception becomes possible. New footage captured with a 360° camera further improves the immersion.

The spatial, immersive experience of content is impossible to recreate with the same effect on two-dimensional screens. Still, we created this simulation to give you an impression of what the app has to offer:

Underlying Technology

The app is designed to be used with the Apple Vision Pro headset and was implemented with Xcode: By using the VisionOS SDK, we ensure that the ‘Apple Vision Pro Real Estate App’ is fully compatible with the latest standards and functions required for an immersive and user-friendly AR/VR experience.

For the design, we adhered strictly to Apple’s human interface guidelines, and in particular the guidelines for VisionOS. These offer comprehensive best practices and recommendations for the design of user interfaces in an immersive, three-dimensional environment. We created an intuitive and accessible experience that takes the visual as well as the ergonomic needs of users into account.

After a quick calibration of the headset, users can start with a brief introduction or skip it and navigate manually:

Personas Offer a More Individual Experience

Users can select a persona of choice, go on one of six predefined tours or navigate the list of points of interest and the map intuitively.

Search for Points of Interest 

An overlay screen enables users to explore various points of interest in great detail. Every icon on the map is designed for intuitive navigation and highlights a specific area so that users can travel virtually and get an impression of many different spaces.

Karte des Flughafens, schwebend in einer Lounge

For every navigation item, we have combined information, dynamic images and interactive elements to make the destination come alive. Where available, the content includes:

  • Location on map

  • Name, description

  • Immersive images and videos as well as conventional photos

  • Sound effects

Bildschirm mit Text und weiteren Bildern, schwebend im Restaurant Negishi

New App is a Valuable Tool for Real Estate Marketing

Potential tenants with a serious interest in real estate at the airport can obtain Apple Vision Pros on loan from the airport with ZRH Real Estate installed on them. Their employees can get a first impression of their potential future workplace without having to drive out to the airport:

  • What is the best way to get there?

  • What would my work environment look like?

  • Where and how can I buy snacks or meals?

  • Where and how will I spend my breaks?

The immersive experience has a strong emotional component and can support change management for potential tenants.

ZRH Real Estate will most likely also have a positive effect on various service providers and partners at the airport and on the Circle. Their activities and locations are beautifully presented and become almost tangible in the app.

We are delighted to have our airport be a trailblazer yet again. The Apple Vision Pro Real Estate app offers an incredible digital experience. And we are proud to be among the first movers: The Apple Vision Pro is not even officially available yet in Switzerland, but we are ready to roll with our app!

Coralie Klaus-Boecker, Head ZRH Innovation Hub, Zurich Airport

So What’s Next? 

ZRH Real Estate 1.0 is already available in the app store. We are already working on version 2.0, enriching the stories with new 360° footage and other content.

We are also considering additional improvements to avatars and themed discovery tours for less experienced users. Ideas include tours based on sports, culinary highlights, etc. Of course, we will incorporate the feedback from the first round of users in the planning.

The Flughafen Zürich AG and Unic teams are already looking forward to their response. Would you like to try out the Unic Spatial Lab? Be inspired:

Practical test of the Unic Spatial Lab - four people with the Vison Pro VR glasses from Apple.

Lovey WymannMarch 2024

Testing the Unic Spatial Lab

In March 2024, Unic opened the Spatial Lab in Zurich, a space to test Apple Vision Pro and learn about the ‘Spatial Discovery Canvas’: This workshop helps companies develop concrete ideas and test their feasibility.

Testing the Unic Spatial Lab

Areas of Expertise

  • Spatial discovery workshop

  • Consulting on customer experience and AR/VR/XR worlds

  • Content enrichment with images, sound and 360° footage – including experience with special cameras

  • UX / UI design

  • Technical concept development

  • App development and testing

Contact for your Digital Solution with Unic

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Jörg Nölke
Gerrit Taaks
Gerrit Taaks

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Are you keen to talk about your next project? We will be happy exchange ideas with you.

Melanie Klühe
Melanie Klühe
Stefanie Berger
Stefanie Berger
Philippe Surber
Philippe Surber
Stephan Handschin
Stephan Handschin