Spryker MVP for G+D – Essential B2B Features Part of MVP


Customer since
November 2023




month project


Jira tickets


country shops, 2 languages

G+D IoT Shop – New Online Channel

Previously, G+D sold impressive volumes of products and services through conventional sales channels and only to large customers. To offer smaller market segments and companies access to the G+D portfolio, the company decided even before their first meeting with us to set up a digital customer platform based on Spryker Commerce OS. And as you should with an MVP, we set up efficient and lean sales processes for the platform. Thanks to our comprehensive experience with Spryker and the implementation of MVPs, Unic was able to realise a modular customer platform with an international footprint that will adapt to customers’ needs in the future.

UX Design – Minor Changes With Major Effects

G+D first started with targeted workshops based on the human-centred design approach. Users are involved in the realisation phase from day one, checking the usability of the website or the shop before go-live. Following that, we defined the scope of the MVP to then implement it using an agile project methodology.

Given the tight schedule for the implementation, we decided to use Spryker’s own templates for the frontend. Only small details were adapted for the user experience. We checked the individual templates and made minor changes based on the specifications. One example is the navigation, which now appears as a mega dropdown menu. Not only do users get comprehensive information on the website structure, the links to sub-categories and/or product pages take visitors through the digital G+D universe at the click of a button.

We also made numerous minor changes to the customer portal that have significantly improved the user experience. For instance, colour markers indicate the status of an order or customer verification at a glance.

MVP – fast and functional

G+D wanted to participate in the market as soon as possible and decided early on to go with an MVP approach. In this case, the idea behind a minimum viable product (MVP) is to make a shop system with minimal, but necessary features and a limited product range available early and then continue to improve it after the go-live by expanding the product ranges and/or adding new features to the platform.

The advantage of this approach: G+D has its digital business online in record time, and unlike with a big bang, this requires only minimal adaptations to the offline processes. As the system grows, the processes are adapted continually and in step with the changes to the system.

However, the MVP approach requires good preparation and usually also a specific mindset, but this is part of the DNA of G+D. Both sides know how to professionally and effectively implement IT projects.

G+D uses a lot of features in the Spryker standard version, foregoing additional special solutions such as PIM and content management systems for the time being. Should the complexity increase in e-businesses, these surrounding systems could always follow. The configuration and set-up of the Spryker solution are currently rolled out in three countries (Germany, the US and Spain), natively supporting two languages (German and English).

Features – Standard and Business

We first focused on the conventional e-commerce components, all of which are part of the Spryker system out of the box. Our focus was on the functionalities required for the MVP. All we had to do then was adapt them to the needs of the G+D customers.

The standard features include:

  • Registration

  • Login/logout

  • Search/navigation

  • Shopping cart

  • Checkout

  • Email templates for transactional information

  • Spryker back office (content management, product management, company and user management)

B2B Shop Features

  • MyCompany: Specifically for the B2B segment, we developed a MyCompany space where customers can reproduce their company structure in detail. As opposed to B2C, where users are listed as individual business customers, business customers can enter and manage employees working in sales under the company umbrella – including dedicated roles and rights management. Customers can also enter shipping addresses and contact persons.

  • MyAccount: The content of the MyAccount tab is only available after a successful login. This is where you can see your orders. Authorised users can also track orders and reorder items.

  • SEO: To start with the best possible visibility for the e-shop and avoid creating unnecessary barriers, we worked with G+D to take search engine optimisation (SEO) into account in the design of some of the websites. Customers can browse all products and services online, including information on pricing and availability – which is not to be taken for granted in a B2B shop. This means that registration as a customer is only required if customers want to start the order process.

  • Approval process: In terms of their technology, G+D operates in a very sensitive and security-relevant field. This is why the shop needs an approval process that is based on specific legislation. This consists of the know your business (KYB) and know your customer (KYC) processes. Based on the legal requirements, we developed a coherent process within the Spryker system. The process verifies and checks the respective business partner and the shipping and billing addresses listed. In later steps, we will automate some of the fundamental aspects of the process.

  • Payment: For professional check-out handling, G+D relies on the Stripe payment provider. We only needed to connect this to the shop. The provider takes care of the handling, credit card management and bank transfers. We allowed for ex-post processing of payments by G+D should the payment process fail, for instance.

  • Order management: To properly map the downstream order and fulfilment processes, we adapted the integrated Spryker order management system to the needs of G+D.

  • Active Directory: As surrounding systems, we connected the Microsoft Azure Active Directory environment, which internal staff can use to log into the system with their standard login data. No additional set of credentials is required.

  • IoT suite: We also connected the G+D IoT suite that customers use to access the products ordered as well as those already in use. This is also where G+D provides initial status information on the devices.

  • Marketing: The Hubspot marketing suite is also connected to the shop. This is used to coordinate marketing activities relating to the shop.

  • GDPR: For the shop to meet the European data protection and GDPR requirements, we implemented a consent management tool by OneTrust.

Expansion Phase – What’s Next?

Unic will start to expand the solution with G+D. The next steps will be the rollout in additional markets and the addition of more features. The company will be focussing on expanding the product portfolio. In addition, the e-commerce system will be integrated more efficiently into specific processes of the overall G+D ecosystem, including the surrounding systems.

Our services at this project

User Experience

Don’t leave your customers standing out in the rain. Offer them an impressive user experience which will convince them to try your offer.

Learn more:User Experience

Software Development and IT-Architecture

Software development has been one of Unic's core competencies for over 20 years. We develop a solution tailored to your needs for your company's digital presence. Please contact us!

Software Development and IT-Architecture:Software Development and IT-Architecture

Frontend Development

Our frontend engineers develop a accessible, performant and responsive frontend for your user interface.

Learn more:Frontend Development


We develop and operate promising e-commerce solutions with Spryker and SAP Commerce.

Learn more:E-Commerce

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