Unic as a sparring partner for New Work at the Institute of Physiotherapy, ZHAW
The Institute of Physiotherapy has been part of the Department of Health at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences since 2006. Teaching and research prepare students and continuing education participants under one roof optimally for the challenges in healthcare: practical-clinical or research-oriented.
The organizational structure is new: Since February 2021, Unic has been accompanying the Institute on its path to a role-based organization, based on holacratic principles, a novelty in the higher education landscape.
Optimizing the Use of Competencies
The Institute of Physiotherapy (IPT) at ZHAW comprehensively prepares students and continuing education participants for practical, research, and teaching positions, based on the latest physiotherapy expertise.
In 2021, the institute's management at the time decided to test a new organizational form and start a pilot project within their own institute in the Department of Health.
Since February 2021, Unic has been supporting the institute on its path towards a role-based organization. This new organizational structure not only optimizes the use of individual competencies and better connects employees, but also distributes responsibility more broadly. As a result, decisions can be made in a topic-related, dynamic, and efficient manner.
The Transition to a Role-Based Organization – Inspired by Holacratic Principles
Inspired by the principles of Holacracy, the Institute of Physiotherapy introduced an organizational system for a three-year pilot project that operates without traditional hierarchical structures. Steering and organization are carried out through circles and roles that have clear purposes and transparent responsibilities. Employees take on multiple roles in various circles, depending on the topic, competence, and interest. At the same time, the Institute of Physiotherapy remains part of the overall university with its structures and processes.
To ensure optimal coordination of all activities within the institute, there are two special meeting formats: The "Tactical Meeting" deals with daily collaboration and enables efficient handling of questions and concerns. The "Governance Meeting" promotes the continuous development of the organization and focuses on structural changes in the organization.
Central drivers in Holacracy are so-called "Tensions" from all participants: These refer to tensions that arise in everyday life and are specifically addressed, following the principle of "small steps" that have a big impact. Tensions are seen as potentials that set positive impulses and initiate development. All employees can thus contribute ideas and suggestions that move the IPT forward.
The networking of the organization is achieved by structured communication between the circles: Two representatives from the sub-circles participate in each circle meeting.
You can find more about Holacracy at Unic here:
Unic as a Sparring Partner
Based on Unic's experience with New Work, the former management team of the Institute of Physiotherapy approached us to receive impulses and suggestions for their future direction. This was then further developed and implemented internally, together as a team.
At the beginning of the process, we jointly developed requirements and possibilities for a future organization in several workshops. From this, a concept was developed that determined which elements and models fit the IPT. The result was a role-based model, inspired by holacratic principles, leading to a three-year pilot project from 2021-2024.
To implement the role-based model, a training concept was developed. This includes e-learning "snippets" for self-directed learning, live Q&A sessions, and a TEAMS channel with Q&As that are continuously maintained. A transformation circle with seven employees from various areas was formed for the continuous further development of the new organizational form and was supported and advised by Unic.
The two meeting formats known from Holacracy, Tactical and Governance Meetings, were introduced. Anyone can bring up tensions in both meetings. The meetings are led by so-called facilitators. About a third of the IPT employees attended facilitator training to be able to perform this important task independently at a high level. Initially, Unic employees took on this function in the starting phase, then Unic experts remained in the background for shadowings, observed, and gave feedback on the course of the meetings.
The driving force in the entire process were the employees in the transformation circle: They have driven the transformation forward, continue to accompany and evaluate it, supported by the New Work experts from Unic.
Conclusion at the Project Midpoint on the New Structure:
Collaboration on specific topics has improved
Since the start one and a half years ago, sub-circles with topic-related focus have developed at the outermost circle level, for example "Pediatrics", "Professional Development" or "Physical Activity". More thematic focus areas are in the pipeline. The theme-centered collaboration promotes exchange between traditional work areas and enables better coordination between teaching (bachelor's and continuing education), research, and further education. These synergies have a positive effect on the teaching offer or the development of research projects and promote exchange among employees.
Employees receive attractive opportunities for further development and change
When employees leave the company, the entire position is not necessarily advertised anew. Interested and competent colleagues can take over parts of a vacant position in corresponding roles and develop further. Roles can generally be shifted internally, redistributed, or newly filled, depending on current needs. As a result, the organization as a whole has become "lighter" and more flexible.
The networking in the institute is experienced as enriching
Since the start a year ago, more and more employees have been working together in different work areas and thematic fields. The formerly clear boundaries between the areas of bachelor's, master's, research, and continuing education are blurring, synergies are being utilized. The monthly cultural circle event also contributes to informal networking in the institute, which everyone can participate in as they wish (previously, events were primarily team-related). Through the representation of two members each in the outer circle and the periodic change of role holders, a new thematic and personal networking and permeability has also emerged in the institute, which is highly appreciated.
The opportunities of different roles are being utilized
By taking on different roles, employees can gradually grow into new functions and take on new responsibilities. This promotes autonomy and self-responsibility and strengthens polyvalence.
Challenges have also arisen and are being discussed
The transition requires different and more meeting formats, taking on new roles, and rethinking regarding personal responsibility and self-organization is challenging. This means a time investment for everyone until the new structure can be lived more functionally and naturally. The project will be comprehensively evaluated in 2024.
The introduction of the new organizational form has opened up new possibilities and allows for rethinking of existing practices. The support from Unic was characterized by a trusting atmosphere that provided space for critical questions and creative processes.
-- Prof. Dr. Eveline Graf, IPT
At Unic, we are excited about the collaboration with the transformation team and the energy of the employees at the Institute of Physiotherapy at ZHAW. We are very pleased that we can continue to stand by with refresher sessions and our expertise.
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Would you like to introduce New Work Models in your enterprise or would you like support in their implementation? We are here for you.