Can you trust your data? Our analytics audit will help you

Patrick HegnauerMarch 2023

Many companies today use analytics tools such as Google or Adobe Analytics to collect data about the users of their websites. However, companies are often not even aware of the opportunities offered by this data. In order for the various stakeholders to be able to use this data as a basis for their decisions, they must be able to trust it. This presupposes that the data collected is correct.

An analytics audit is a crucial component in the validation of your analytics tool and the data it collects.

Patrick Hegnauer
Digital Analyst, Unic

Why should a company conduct an analytics audit?

Often the possibilities of the analytics tool used are not fully exploited, since only the basic settings are made. This can lead to erroneous reports and reduce the informative value of the analytics tool as well as confidence in the results. To use the analytics tool as a decision-making tool, the data must be correct and the trust must exist.

With our analytics audit point out to a company in which areas of the used analytics tool the maturity is still low and which configurations must be made in order to collect and process meaningful data. Based on comparative data from similar companies, the analytics audit provides an overview of strengths and weaknesses.

An analytics audit – the best way to make sure you can trust your data.

Patrick Hegnauer
Digital Analyst, Unic

What do we evaluate in an analytics audit?

The basis for meaningful data are the online strategy, the (online) goals and the derived Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The audit is aligned according to these anchor points. We analyse these five central areas:

  • Account Setup & Governance

  • Tracking

  • Data quality

  • Extended data acquisition

  • Reporting

In the first topic area we check the account setup and analyse to what extent governance and data protection guidelines (e.g. DSGVO) are observed. The second area analyses the tracking of the various websites. The detailed analysis of data quality also shows conspicuities in the reports. Specific functions such as e-commerce tracking, conversions, targets or campaign tracking are analysed under the title «Extended Data Acquisition». Finally, we examine the specific reporting behavior of the company. For example, the cycles and granularity in which the identified stakeholders receive reports are examined.

The picture shows a man studying a technical SEO analysis. KPIs and graphics can be seen on the screen in front of him.

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Analytics Audit for the Mobility Cooperative

We were allowed to conduct such an analytics audit for the Mobility Cooperative. Martin Seifert from Mobility summarizes the audit as follows:

«Together with Unic we were able to identify conspicuities and potentials in our digital analytics setup. This enables us to continuously develop our online strategy. The results of the audit are clearly formulated and summarized in such a way that they could be shared with the relevant departments and employees without costly explanations. The recommendations contained therein have largely been directly converted into requests for the responsible developers and analysts.»

In summary, the analytics audit is an opportunity for your company to validate your data quality and to increase confidence in the data. The aim is to use the analytics tool efficiently as a decision-making tool and to provide your stakeholders with the right information at the right time.

Our digital analytics specialists will be happy to discuss your specific audit requirements with you. Contact us now:

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