Alumnus Markus – Criticism is welcome, but please make it constructive!

Markus HenkelJune 2024

Reasons to return – can you tell us the main reasons that made you return to Unic?

Well, after I left Unic, I was never really gone. I was still good friends with some of my former colleagues, and as a shareholder, I still had a foot in the door.

Discover other alumni stories and their motivations now!

The picture shows a metre-high teddy bear sitting on a black couch. To his right is a large potted plant. An office can be seen in the background.

Markus HenkelSeptember 2023

Kununu Matters, but Don’t Forget Your Company Alumni

Quitting your job, leaving your company are all part of business, but so is returning! We asked 4 alumni why they returned to Unic.

Kununu Matters, but Don’t Forget Your Company Alumni

Unic was always a pretty cool company, even before the introduction of Holacracy. The difference: The people from back in the day now look a bit older. Anyway, one day one of the partners called me and tried to sell me on the vacant role of Head of Finance – very casually, of course. “Are you sure you don’t want to come back?” is what he said. To be honest, it was not the professional challenges that made me return. Rather, it was the inspiring environment, where I can still make a difference today.

Very often, it is much easier to criticise something than to help bring about change and develop better solutions together. We work on that continually!

Markus Haschka, Unic Partner

How much did the company culture influence your decision?

I have always felt that at Unic, you could go and grab a beer with anyone from the team. The overall package Unic has to offer has always felt right to me – authentic and genuine, professionally and personally. It is this human factor that stands out in many situations and sets Unic apart. Our purpose, ‘We Humanise the Digital’, has a solid underpinning.

Did the working conditions and flexible opportunities to get involved also play a role?

I have to admit that when I returned, I did not think too much about working conditions such as salary and technologies. That also has to do with the fact that I am much less involved with the project business. My focus is always on Unic itself as a company. In my role in the organisation, what can I improve, change or promote? These are the questions that motivate me every day.

Unic project manager Melanie Klühe stands in front of her audience as a speaker. She is wearing a colourful dress and a purple cardigan.

Melanie KlüheMarch 2024

Alumna Melanie – the Unic Ambassador

What makes alumni return to the company? What is their motivation to come back? We asked Melanie Klühe about her reasons for returning. The senior sales consultant shares interesting insights in this interview.

Alumna Melanie – the Unic Ambassador

What does Unic look like now? Major changes have been set in motion, Holacracy has been introduced. What has changed?

Since the introduction of Holacracy, we have experienced the most successful years in the history of Unic. For seven years now, we have been profiting from the Holacratic organisational structure. We are still benefiting today from the positive energy generated in the transition, which makes us optimistic about our future. It is the increased transparency in the company in particular that enables everyone to actively contribute to growth at Unic. The challenge is to make sure that we all keep moving in the same direction. We have learned that small optimisations are important, even if they do not trigger major changes straight away.

Appreciation of employees is very important at Unic. How important is that to you?

I think that due to my role, my case is somewhat special. Why? Because bringing about change, which is my main job, often triggers critical voices at first before the balance shifts towards more appreciative comments. Change often leads to critical reactions at first. But over time, in various formats for dialogue, the communication becomes more appreciative. This process is usually challenging, fascinating and arduous at the same time.

Generally speaking, appreciative communication is a challenge for every company. Unic has left behind the traditional, hierarchical management structure that may have placed appreciation primarily within the manager role, so it is now up to every single one of us to stay respectful when we interact with our colleagues. This is a constant challenge, especially in the project business and in our dialogue with customers, and one that we willingly face with awareness and determination.

Insights into Unic

Markus HenkelApril 2024

7 Years of Holacracy – Martin Kriegler Takes Stock

What does the switch from the hierarchical corporate structure to the autonomous Holacracy organization, in which, as we know, there is no traditional management, actually entail? We asked Martin Kriegler, Expert Application Architect at Unic, what has changed in detail? And where Unic can still be optimized?

7 Years of Holacracy – Martin Kriegler Takes Stock

Markus Henkel

The picture shows SAP application architect Patricia Gomez during a presentation. She is using a FlipChart board.

Markus HenkelApril 2024

7 Years of Holacracy – Patricia Gomez Takes Stock

What exactly changes when a company transforms into the Holacracy organisational structure? How does the work of employees change? Patricia Gomez, Senior Application Architect at Unic, talks about the details and the challenges for the company itself.

7 Years of Holacracy – Patricia Gomez Takes Stock

Markus Henkel

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