From the customer journey concept to the digitalisation roadmap
The manufacturing industry is undergoing a profound transformation. Customer requirements are changing rapidly, and new business models and growth opportunities must be found, evaluated and established. At the same time, the digital transformation is driving this change process in industrial companies more than ever before.
B2B practical know-how in an interactive workshop
Industrial companies usually deal with B2B sales partners – in retail or as a parts/component manufacturer in exchange with OEMs or other tiers. Designing customer journeys around the customer's buying center and deriving development roadmaps for digital marketing, e-commerce or customer service solutions is no easy task.
Customer journeys as the key to digitalization
In our deep-dive workshop, we show you how to use your customers' customer journeys to advance the planning and implementation of your digitalization initiatives.
In the Deep Dive Workshop, you will learn:
how to use clever customer journey design to set up a strategic framework for your digitization initiatives,
how to sustainably classify the derivation of digitization requirements in marketing, sales and service and derive priorities,
how to define a specific digitization roadmap.
Together with the Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V. (bvik), we cordially invite you to our bvik Deep Dive Workshop.
bvik members can attend free of charge. If your company is not yet a member of the bvik, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
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